

The Warong kopi in its 4 years of blogging has very seldom found itself in line with the policies of UMNO. As a political organization, UMNO is self serving, is racist, has no moral conscience and does not hesitate in the destruction of those it does not agree with. However when an ex PM rushes in to dismantle UMNO so as to pursue his own personal vendetta, the Warong kopi says the former must not succeed.
UMNO must be allowed to maintain it relevance albeit defanged. It must act as a minor bulwark against the probable establishment of a new but powerful one party rule in Malaysia - may it be from a resurgent PKR or through a newly established United Mahathir Nostalgic Organization.
The present two “party” political system of PR and BN with its check and balance must not be thrown into disarray just to satisfy one egomaniac. Malaysia and Malaysians have come too far to lose this new order.

Former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has quit Umno saying he has totally lost confidence in its leadership.
He made the unexpected announcement in front of about 1,500 people at a forum in response to a dare from one of the participants to lead the way in leaving the party.
Asking other Umno members to follow in his footsteps, Dr Mahathir, 83, said they should not join any other political parties but should rejoin Umno once Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has resigned as party president and prime minister.
"The Malays, Umno members and many other people have sent him messages about their dissatisfaction over his leadership, especially after the March 8 elections, but Abdullah has remained unaffected.
"We have to be radical and brave and this is the only way to bring him down," he said to loud cheers at a talk on "The Future of Malays after the 12th General Election", organised by the Kedah Malay Assembly Hall

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