

It was only less than a month that the Waromg Kopi highlighted that the NS training department announced its victim number 22 died of a “simple fever”.
Last week, Hui Min died of “constipation” - victim 23.
In as far as the authorities are concerned Hui Min death is once again just another unfortunate incident.
But to many rakyat, the pain of NS far exceeds that of its purported objective of fostering unity.
Surely there is a much less sinful way for cronies to make that extra buck.
Let justice be seen, book the camp commandant for manslaughter by gross negligence.

The family of Too Hui Min, the national service (NS) trainee who died after complaining of constipation, is suing the NS Training Department for negligence.
“We believe it was more than constipation and we want justice for our daughter,” said Hui Min’s mother Chin Kwee Choo, 52.
“How can a healthy girl die all of a sudden like this?” she asked.
Hui Min, from Geo Kosmo NS Training Camp in Kuala Kubu Baru, died at Slim River Hospital on Wednesday at 10.45pm after complaining of constipation.

Two days ago that I received this letter from a very close friend of mine.
His son attended the camp in Sintok, Kedah.
Below is a reproduction of that letter he wrote but did not send because of some personal reasons.
And like many other parents who would have had a "taste" of what NS really is, he hopes that the authorities will listen to the rakyat.
NS does not meet its objective. It kills.

Tuan Haji Abdul Hadi bin Awang Kechil.
Ketua Pengarah.
Jabatan Latihan Khidmat Negara.
Aras 8-10 Menara TH Selborn.
153 Jalan Tun Razak.
50400, Kuala Lumpur.

Dear Sir,
Subject : An open letter to Tuan Haji Abdul Hadi bin Awang Kechik on the Intimidation and Assault in Kem Latihan Khidmat Negara Sintok at University Utara. Kedah.

My son …….. joined the National Service camp in Sintok University, Kedah on the 18th of March 2007.
During my 1st visit (24th of March) to the Sintok camp, I noticed that my son was looking exceeding tired and edgy. I asked him as to what had transpired during the week. He then told me that he was picked upon by a group of his fellow trainees of the same dormitory and was subjected to continuous sleep depravation, physically harassed from the third night of his stay and was sexually harassed at night when some of them groped his buttocks.

I then reported this to the trainer in charge of his dormitory, a Mr ……., who then without showing any interest replied that he would look into this issue. Despite my misgiving I then left the NS camp for that week.
A few days later, on the 27th, my son called up from the public phone booth and I enquired about his situation. He then told me that Mr ……. spoke to some of the trainees who abused him but to his surprise, the trainees came out of the room with lit cigarettes in their hands. I understand that smoking is strictly prohibited in the NS camps. He also told me that on the 26th of March, he was threatened with a piece of plank by the same group of trainees after a trainer announced during a gathering that someone had reported the sexual harassment. My son reported this incident of threat to 3 trainers. No action was taken and the harassment steadily got worse.

I immediately visited the Sintok camp on the 28th, I requested a meeting with the camp Commander a Mr …… but was told that he was in an interview. The Assistant Commander Mr ….. then saw me. I expressed my concern over the physical safety of my son and was told that he was not advised of this harassment and threat by any of the trainers. Accordingly to him, trainers tend to keep such issues from the knowledge of the administrative department. Mr ….. then promised me that he would take immediate action. He also promised that he would seek the camp Commander’s permission to transfer my son out from his present dormitory. I then left the camp with the assurance that the necessary disciplinary action would be taken.

I called up Mr ….. at the Sintok camp in the early evening of the same day and enquired if my son had been moved to a new dormitory. He was still in the same dormitory and I had to re-insist that my son be transferred to another dormitory. He was then moved from dormitory F to dormitory O. As he was preparing to leave his dormitory the same group of trainees assaulted him physically by continuously raining blows on his head. He then requested the presence of a trainer who than ensured that he was able to move to dormitory O without further physical assault.

On the 1st of April, I telephoned Mr ……. He gave me his full assurance that nothing would befall upon my son. He also assured me that he would take firm disciplinary action against my son’s abusers. He asked for a detailed report from my son and my son submitted a full report. Mr …… then told him that he would interview him. Until the day I took my son away from the camp, there was no interview.

On the 5th thru 9th of April, I took my son home for the Easter/Cheng Beng break. Even though I was very much against the idea of bringing him back to the Sintok camp, my son driven by his passion for the outdoors and his idealism for “Berkhidmat untuk Negara” requested me to allow him to complete his National Service regardless of him being abused, intimidated and assaulted.

I relented and I sent him back to the Sintok camp. The harassments and intimidation continued whenever this group of trainees met him. Despite all the promises and the assurances for my son’s safety given by the management of the camp, no action was taken against this group of trainees and if there were any it was far too ineffective.

On the 23rd of April, my son phoned me and once again I questioned him on the situation. He told me that on the 22nd of April he was stabbed on the right hand side of his abdomen with a bamboo stick and the bamboo was also used to strike his abdomen. He reported this to the disciplinary head on the same day. The disciplinary head then told my son that he would report the assault to the Commander. Once again the Commander was away.

On the 24th of April at about 8.20am, I called up Mr …. at his Kuala Lumpur office and told him what had transpired at the Sintok Camp. I mentioned to him that I was already on the way to take my son from the Sintok camp. About 10 minutes latter, Mr …… phoned me, however our conversation was abruptly terminated. He rang up the second time almost an hour later and told me that I could take my son home. Mr …. followed up with a call about 2~3 minutes latter and offered my son an alternative camp. I was non-committal.

When I reached the Sintok camp, I saw Mr …… and I told him that I was there to take my son back. I also mentioned that I would be making a police report on the Sunday assault. He paged for my son who then came to the administrative office.

I was to know subsequently from my son that he was hauled up about 9.30am on the same morning by 7 or 8 trainers. He was interrogated in the presence of the trainees, who had bullied, intimidated and assaulted him.

During this interrogation one of the trainers using the pretext of showing how acts of force can be performed, manhandled my son by forcefully shoving him with his bended elbow and jabbed his upper part of the body with his finger. My son was then forced to apologize and to ask for forgiveness from the bullies who assaulted him.

I have made a police report (Reference – BKT K_Hitam/000682/07) and have not sent my son back to any of the NS camps as the safety of my son cannot be assured.

The events that happened within the 6 weeks have psychologically traumatized my son. He is a more disillusioned youth knowing that racism does and still do exist in the only country that he loves and lives in. As for my family and me, the inaction of the relevant authorities has also proved to be a physically and emotionally draining experience. I was warded last Saturday (27th April) through Monday (30th april) in two private hospitals ( ….. …….. Specialist Hospital and subsequently moved to the ……… Hospital in Penang) for emotional and physical exhaustion.

I would like to request Tuan Haji to launch an investigation into this issue and to revert on the disciplinary measures that have been taken against both trainees and the trainers who were involved in the bullying. I would also request that the authorities in charge of NS Sintok to explain to me and to the public as to how discipline can be so sadly lacking in the only NS Camp situated within a University campus.

Thank You.

Yours sincerely


YB Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye – Chairman of NS program.
YB Dato Sri Mohd Najib – Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia / Minister of Defence.

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