

Last month, PAS youth chief, Salahuddin Ayub demanded that the road shows relating to Article 11 should be stopped as it was better to discuss it directly with the government. Yesterday, PAS vice president Mohamad Sabu urged ulamaks to adopt the methods used by their latest idol, the terrorist organizations of Hamas and Hisbollah - to lead their faithful into the street to protest. He also castigated the men of PAS, "to put it delicately", as men without balls for failing to be ready to demonstrate.
Once again, the warong kopi has been proven right and we are not surprised with their double talk. After all it has become a way of their life.
Whilst the warong kopi fully believes in the freedom of speech, it does not subscribe per se to any street demonstration, more so when there is a convergence of Islamist religious emotions and political power play.
The public must remain very wary when these Islamists latch on to the current populist issue of price increases. To these Islamists their interest in the welfare of the masses is only secondary. Their primary goal remains the same - total political domination and the establishment of their brand of Shar'ia laws over each one of us.

Link : "Can Sharia work in the 21st century?" and "Why Sharia Law must be opposed."

Ulamak urged to lead protests.

Ulamak have been urged to lead the crowd during street demonstrations.
PAS vice-president Mohamad Sabu said attention would be garnered should something happen to the ulamak or other respected figures.
“This is how the Hamas (Palestine) and Hisbollah (Lebanon) movements gain massive public support,” he said in his winding up speech at the 52nd PAS Muktamar (general assembly) at the PAS Complex in Kota Sarang Semut here yesterday.
“The public is not bothered when unknown youths get beaten up during the demonstrations. “If Mat Sabu or Salehuddin Ayub are harmed, people will say depa to memang lok lak (they are looney).”.
Mohamad said if the men were afraid to take matters to the streets, then Muslimat (Muslim women) in PAS would be ready for jihad (holy war).
“If you (the men) are afraid, you might as well wear sarong and stay home. Let the women fight your battle,” he said, adding that women need not seek their husband’s permission to be involved in jihad. “We talk about struggle, but we are not willing to make the sacrifice.” ....

The story below sounds pretty familar. Malaysian newspapers could have used this headline and rewrite it as, "Ex Prime Minister burns down economic stability rather than to keep one eye blind".

Serb burns car rather than pay fine

BELGRADE: A Serb man set his car on fire when he heard how much he had to pay to reclaim it after it was towed away for illegal parking.
An attendant told the daily Press the man was very calm.
"He went to his car, took a few things then opened the hood and set the engine on fire. When it was well ablaze he got back on his bike and rode off."

Two 500lbs bomb smashed into his hideout and yet Zarqawi was the only one found to be still alive in the rubble.
It just goes to show how hard it is to kill EVIL.

Incidentally ............... OoooooooSaaMaaaa where are you?
Your 72 virgins are waiting....

Zarqawi was alive when US forces arrived at bomb scene

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi initially survived the US air strike on his al-Qaida safe house and tried to escape from US special forces as they arrived on the scene, it emerged yesterday.
"We were not aware yesterday that in fact Zarqawi was alive when US forces arrived on the site," Major General William Caldwell told Fox News. He said Iraqi police, who were the first to arrive, had put him on a stretcher. "He obviously had some kind of visual recognition of who they were because he attempted to roll off the stretcher, as I am told, and get away, realising it was US military." Zarqawi was also reported to have mumbled something brief and unintelligible before dying. An autopsy was under way yesterday.

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