

Even in matters of sexuality these two groups, the Kabbalists (mainly Jews) and the Islamists are able to agree to disagree. They have now put boys at puberty (13-14 years old) in a quandary the very moment they produce spermatozoa. The Mufti of Saudi Arabia has declared masturbation to be an "abominable and wicked act that will lead to disruption of the digestive system, inflammation of the testicles, damage to the spine ('the place from which sperm originates')". Not to be outdone, the Kabbalists wade in and intone religiously that "the other side" uses "nocturnal emissions to create more demons" hence creating more problems in the world.
Now that both sides have established their fatwas, we will have graduates of 14 doing what the other group has prohibited, one "wanking" in desperate hope of preventing demons from being created and the other in perpetual dreamland lest their hands further damage their
"cerebral glands".
In this divergence of thoughts, maybe both parties can issue a common fatwa....."Marry at 14 edict". This may just be the "seed" to start real peace talk in the Middle East!!

Kabbalists hold prayers to rectify sexual sins
Link : Jerusalem Post

Kabbalists and their followers in dozens of Kabbalah yeshivot across the country this week began a six-week regimen of special prayers and fasting, known as Tikkun Shovavim or Tikkun Habrit, to rectify the spiritual damage caused by sex-related transgressions and, more specifically, nocturnal emissions....
Rabbu Batzri said that evil demons from "the other side" use nocturnal emissions to create more demons...."Most of our troubles are caused by these demons," said Batzri. "They hurt us, they hurt our children, they cause poverty."
Rabbi Benayahu Shmueli, in addition to the prayers said for rectifying the damage from nocturnal emissions, prayers are also recited for other sexual transgressions such as having relations with a married women, homosexual intercourse, and having relations with a gentile woman.

Seminal questions
Link : Guardian Unlimited

.....Masturbation is generally frowned upon by Islamic scholars, though they disagree about how sinful it is..... Islamic Voice describes masturbation as an "abominable and wicked act" which is forbidden in Islam. "Its harms are great and it has disastrous consequences as established by doctors.".....
The "proven" medical effects of masturbation - which, of course, include damage to the eyesight - were once listed by Abd al-Aziz bin Baz, the late Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, and his list is reproduced on numerous Islamic websites. According to bin Baz, masturbation causes disruption of the digestive system, inflammation of the testicles, damage to the spine ("the place from which sperm originates"), and "trembling and instability in some parts of the body like the feet". In addition, there is a weakening of the "cerebral glands" leading to decreased intellect and even "mental disorders and insanity". Furthermore, "due to constant ejaculation, the sperm no more remains thick and dense as it normally occurs in males". This results in sperm which is not "mighty enough" to make a woman pregnant or produces children who are "more prone to disease and illness".....
more fatwas on sex

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