

Oh! Malaysia, what has the radical Islamic thinking done to you! They have desecrated the spirit of your constitution. They have robbed the soul of this multi religious nation. They are now at your gates assaulting your body of multi racialism.

On the 2nd week of December, they tore down the Kuala Masai orang laut church and the Permas assemblyman from MIC defended the move.

On the 3rd week of December, their unseen hands disregarded the views of Muslim women. They pressured and passed the Islamic Family law reducing Muslim women to second class status. Elements within the government of the day enforced the passing of this law.

On the 4th week of December, they ensured that the high court ruled that "it had no authority, let alone overrule, a sharia court decision that a dead man who practised Hinduism up until his final illness, visited a Hindu temple, ate pork and drank alcohol should be buried according to Islamic rites............"

........ and as the worldwide spread of extreme Shari'a law creeps on to our shores and establishes their toe hold within our country, let us be wary that a powerful shadow "Shari'a government may come to power not by the will of the people, but through the Machiavellian machinations of small groups".
This multi religious democratic goverment that we have endorsed with our votes must uphold the religious rights of all Malaysians. They must ensure that the original principles of the constitution are not subverted from within nor negated by un-elected religious authorities. A new power is rising, the challenge must not go unanswered.

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