

This dance the Ardha is performed by the Bedouin tribes of the Arabian peninsula.
A little tweaking of the music by a person who goes by the name GalagBasha has turn this traditional dance into a fully choreograph Michael Jackson jig.

Compare this traditional beat.

And talking about smooth criminals.
Najib is alleged to have raised the keris and also
alleged to have declared "Bathe the keris with Chinese blood" in 1987.
Today he calls for unity and equality with his 1Malaysia.
Karpal alleged that Najib, during a rally in the run-up to the 1987 Operasi Lallang, had waved a keris in challenge to the Chinese community.
“If it was true, are you prepared to ask for forgiveness from the Chinese community?” Karpal demanded.
The allegation did nothing to dampen Najib’s mood.
“The incident did not take place. I have never said that. The one who should apologise is the YB concerned, not me,” he said.
Hat tip: AhmedAl Omran

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