

The Warong kopi has been asked by some Muslim friends - “Do Christians of Chinese origin celebrate CNY?”
Yes they do. This is also a celebration of their ethnic and cultural identity.
Unfortunately, photographs from the main street media seem to have largely ignored that fact.

Still on the subject of photographs.

I stumbled on this signage whilst I was visiting an old friend who stays in the Permatang Pauh constituency.
...... A fashion house called "POO".

And talking about shit, recently the "no gentlemen agreement" boss of the UMNO run government warned the Chinese community - "if the MCA and Gerakan were to lose seats, Barisan Nasional would end up as a one-race party ruling a multiracial country."
Is that new news under the Malaysian sun?
Every Chinese knows that their community has a bunch of self serving shitless eunuchs, whose presence within the government is to
run errands for UMNO.
The community does not lose what they do not have.

THE Chinese will lose the opportunity to participate in the decision-making process at the Cabinet level if they fail to support the MCA and Gerakan in the elections ahead.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said that if the MCA and Gerakan were to lose seats, Barisan Nasional would end up as a one-race party ruling a multiracial country.

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