Rusydi Syahra, a researcher from the Center for Society and Cultural Studies at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), said the tremendous tsunami aid given to Acehnese had "wiped out" the community's sense of independence.
"People have been continuously dependent on disaster aid and have lost their ability to stand on their own feet," Rusydi said. He said various free support in the way of housing, clean water and health services, had unintentionally spoiled local people at all levels of society.
"One clear indication here has been a growing conviction among the survivors that they are entitled to those amenities indefinitely," Rusydi said. "Many Acehnese youth would rather be jobless than work with a limited salary, even though the numbers are reasonable for their level of education,"
Rusydi said. "How will these people who are too dependent on aid money survive when the money is no longer available?"

And when that tomorrow comes, the political minority shall then bear the burden of a nation.
The Government will continue to help the bumiputras, particularly in equity possession. “We will not do anything that is seen as depriving other races of their rights. We will only demand whatever rights the bumiputra has. That is all,” Najib said.
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