

Govt wants non-Muslims tried by Islamic court in Aceh

The government insisted Tuesday that Muslims and non-Muslims alike in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam should be tried by the planned Islamic Court in the predominantly Muslim province.
State Secretary Yusril Ihza Mahendra told the special committee deliberating a bill on the province's administration that non-Muslims accused of committing ordinary crimes, such as theft and adultery, would be tried under the sharia-inspired bylaws (qanun).
Yusril, responding the proposal of several legislators who wanted non-Muslims to be given the freedom to choose under which law they would be tried, said it would only create legal uncertainty.
"Should such freedom be given, non-Muslims will certainly choose to be tried under the Criminal Code because it carries more lenient punishment," Yusril told the hearing, held to discuss the authority of the planned Islamic Court, also known as Mahkamah Sharia.
Yusril said that in the case of adultery, non-Muslims who committed adultery with Muslims would undoubtedly opt for trial by the Criminal Code because it was more lenient than the stoning or other forms of corporal punishment stipulated under Islamic Law.
A number of factions, such as the Christian-based Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) and the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), have proposed that non-Muslims be given the freedom to choose under which law they would be tried for ordinary crimes.
Yusril said later in the hearing that non-Muslims could be exempted for trial by the Islamic Court only in cases related to domestic matters, such as distribution of wealth as well as business and monetary issues.

The government of Indonesian now wants all non Muslim to be tried by Shar'ia laws in Acheh. This Islamist agenda may be on a slow train in Malaysia, nevertheless it is still on track and chugging along to its final destination - "The Station of Shar'ia Law for All" . Meanwhile, Malaysians continue to be complacent about the inch by inch surrender of our constitutional rights to the once shadowy but now powerful and visible proponents of Shar'ia law in Malaysia.
And as in all communities there will be "Judases" within, lurking, waiting for an opportunity to gladly sell their brethren for the biblical 30 pieces of silver, or for more lucrative contracts from the powers that are. Nevertheless, there will always be courageous people who will continue to stand up and be counted in the jihad against these Malaysian Taliban's.
Amongst the very few who have shown great selfless courage of standing up and not wavering despite being negatively tagged as “the now estranged couple” with “the indecent behaviour” are Ooi Kean Thong and Siow Ai Wei.
The "warong kopi" would like to propose that they be nominated for next year Maulidur Rasul Award* -
for they have indeed displayed the hallmark of uncommon courage and have shown selfless sacrifice by defending Malaysians of their constitutional rights on fundamental liberties . This is despite the setbacks in their relationship , the snide and disparaging remarks that they have faced.

* The Maulidur Rasul Award or the Prophet Muhammad birthday celebration award are given to people who sacrifice themselves for a greater good without expectation of any reward.

Former couple must defend case

Local authorities have the power to enact bylaws to curb disorderly behaviour in areas under their jurisdiction, the Federal Court ruled
However, the apex court said the magistrate's court hearing such complaints would have to determine whether hugging and kissing constitute indecent behaviour.
As such, estrange couple Ooi Kean Thong and Siow Ai Wei will now have to defend their case - which made headline in 2003 - at the magistrate's court.
The bench held that the Federal Territory park bylaw was not ultra vires Article 5 of the federal Constitution, which guaranteed liberty of the person,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ooo...good idea also...